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In recent years we’ve envisioned how investing our resources into building trust and training children through affordable and loving child care will make an impact in our neighborhoods. Our ability to reach families is directly connected to helping to lift the burden of finding safe and compassionate child care. Recently we’ve begun to see and hear meaningful feedback from families like Jessica’s, who are sharing their stories of gratitude for the new life-giving family they’ve found in Kid Central CNY.

We were also honored to have Jessica join us for a Sunday service and surprise her with a November scholarship for her family! Thanks to all of you who’ve given to make that happen. We pray daily that the families who’ve entrusted their 25 kids to us have these same stories to tell. There’s still time to share, volunteer and give to this unique and high impact cause. Join the mission by joining the team. Visit to learn more about our Preschool & School Age Remote Learning Center & ways to donate time and/or resources.